

Friday, December 7, 2012

Home for Christmas

Well, we are home for Christmas..
Right now we are soaking in family, warm showers, refills, comfy beds, smoothly paved roads, smiling Chick-fil-a staff, hot chocolate and everything christmas. We are really looking forward to this time with family and friends. We don't think we will be able to return until next Christmas so we have lots of hugs and love to give before we head home in a month. We are so thankful for this time. It is a blessing.

Would you consider participating with us in our work?  We truly need more monthly supporters. Of course, one time donations are gladly accepted!  However,  monthly sponsorships give us the peace of mind financially so that we can focus more on our work. In whatever way you feel led to give, you can bless many. Even a $10 donation can make a big difference.  Every dollar counts and will be utilized for the benefit and growth of God's Kingdom.

We know that many of our close loved ones are already sponsoring us monthly and for that we thank you so so much. We also know that we have loved ones who are unable to sponsor us at this time and we completely understand. Everyone can help us out by taking the time to share this information on Facebook, through emails, etc. with your family, friends, and your church. We would love to share face-to-face with the leadership at your church about the work in Nicaragua and can schedule that this month while we are here in the states.  If that isn't possible we can Skype with them in January.

Here is a little more detail about what this monthly sponsorship will be able to help us do in Nicaragua.

This monthly sponsorship provides us with the ability to live in Nicaragua to work alongside some great preachers and their families, the staff at Nicaragua Christian School, and some of the happiest dirtiest little children you will ever meet. This money covers the required expenses such as transportation, housing, groceries, and other assorted living expenses as well as benevolent work, church aid, mission team preparation,  and the occasional treat to put a smile on a few niño's faces. These things are just a general over view of what a monthly sponsorship can do. Below you will find a more detailed break down of what we do.

Church Work:
Ryan and I will initially be working with 6 congregations across Nicaragua and hopefully through the years this number will grow as God's word is spread across Nicaragua. We have been very blessed with some great friendships that have come from the families working in these communities. God is doing great things through these special people and we are blessed to work with them.

Sergio and Daysi Salazar: Ruben Dario, Nicaragua. Sergio holds church services on campus at Nicaragua Christian School and is in charge of the spiritual growth at NCS. These two hold a very special place in our hearts. They have been so welcoming to the two of us personally as we transition to our new life. They are so talented with young professionals and with youth. The children at the school love their Sergio.

Mariano and Adriana Espinal: Ojoche, Nicaragua. Mariano works in a rural area in the northern mountainous area of Nicaragua. Mariano helped us to carry out the first attempt at a livestock program, where the church provides materials and two pigs to families in exchange for bible study time as well as the first 3 born piglets that can then be passed on to new families in the future. He has been extremely flexible and willing to help in anyway he can and is always working really hard with the underprivileged youth in his community! 

Espertaco and Dorris Alonso: Primero de Mayo, Nicaragua. Espertaco and Dorris are our newest couple to work with us and have been here for a little over a year. They came in to a very complicated work situation and they have faced it head on and are constantly coming up with new creative ideas to spread the love of Christ to their community. They have been a huge blessing to the people of Nicaragua. 

Jesus and Marlena Perez: Quezalquaque, Nicaragua. Jesus was the first preacher that Campbell Street started working with. He use to drive every weekend to share God's word in Ojoche (2.5 hours away) and the first person he baptized down there is now the preacher in Ojoche (Mariano)! Jesus now works in Quezalquaque and does great things in that community. For the next few months we will be helping him do a livestock program with some of his members to help provide sustainability. 

Jacinto and Lilliana Mendoza: Xiloa, Nicaragua. Jacinto works in a small community of Xiloa which is right outside of the capital, Managua. With the gentle spirit of Jacinto combined with his incredible speaking ability, we hope to see great things in the future from this community. 

** Posoltega, Nicaragua: We also work with a church in Posoltega. Norman Perez was our preacher there for a few years and he is now moving on to another work opportunity and so we are now currently searching for a new preacher to continue the work there. 

Nicaragua Christian School: 
Nicaragua Christian school is a big area of our work in Nicaragua. It was started in 2007 by a couple who attend our church in Jackson, TN. Our church is a big supporter along with many churches around the US. It was opened in one of the poorest areas in Nicaragua. This school provides the opportunity of education to those who would otherwise not have the opportunity. Each child has a sponsor who helps provide them with all that they need for their education along with a meal each day, teeth brushing, and vitamins.  Focusing on spiritual growth at Nicaragua Christian School this year will be our main priority. We have recently started the work on our new multi-purpose auditorium/gymnasium that can seat up to 600 people. Please stop by and "like" Nicaragua Christian School on Facebook to receive updates on the school!

El Camino Missions: 
El Camino missions is an organization that we are starting in Nicaragua. El Camino means "the way" and we are basing this organization off the verse John 14:6 (I am the way, the truth, and the life). It is at the beginning stages and our four main focuses will be on the growth of God's Kingdom, providing job and educational opportunities, benevolence programs, and directing short term missions. We pray that God will bless this work and that many lives will be touched through this mission.  Please stop by and "like" El Camino Missions on Facebook for updates on the progress!

If you would be interested in becoming a monthly sponsor please email us and we will send you the form to sign up with auto-withdrawal.  Email: Bush@nicaraguachristian.org. If you are already a sponsor or can't at this time please please help us by forwarding this on so that we can get the word out.

We thank you for your interest in us and in the people of Nicaragua. God is so strong and so mighty, there is nothing HE can not do!

Merry Christmas,
The Bushes