These are some of Gods beautifully unique creations. Thank you God for these lives.
What a blessing the past 4 and a half months have been.
In the past month we have..
Taken all 206 children to the Botanical Gardens.
Had a beautiful Mothers day celebration. Full of hugs and tears. It was absolutely the most precious thing I have ever seen. We are so thankful for our mothers.
Had a mothers day celebration at the church. We have some beautiful voices.
Visited San Juacinto (the village near the volcano mud pits).
I loved this visit. I have been wanting to do this since we got here. I came here in 2009 to visit and this is a picture of me and my tour guide Jordan from then and now. I was very happy to see him. He is so grown up.

The last week of May is the "week of the children". We had a great time celebrating. Kim and I gave a field day and had a blast doing it. It was awesome. It consisted of lots of games, food, water balloons, and Loud music (even some beiberfever).
Spiderman came aka Sergio
This is the 2nd graders cheering because they won their competition. It was such a fun day!
Also during the week of the children we took all of the Elementary to the Special Education school in Leon. I was so proud of how well they behaved and how kind they were. We presented skits, cultural dance, and singing. They also served all of the children at the school their snacks. They are going to be great leaders one day.
The picture on the right is of a child in a wheel chair that we gave the school!
A few other things going on... My birthday was June 4th and on that friday all of the children lined up outside the house at 7 am to sing happy birthday to me and give me gifts and hugs and kisses. Can I just say that it is one of the millions of things that I love about being here, getting hugs and kisses from goocoodles of children every morning. I am blessed. Needless to say, between that AND my surprise birthday party with my closest friends in Leon, it was a wonderful birthday.
In other news.. 6 inches of my hair had to be removed due to a bad case of head lice.. I am not going to lie to you and say I didn't shed a tear or two for that hair but I am so very thankful to Kim Bracken and Andrea Nash for the hard work they put in to removing hundreds of tiny bugs from my head. YUCK. It has been a long process but we have finally started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. We were so excited to discover the true meaning to "nit picky". Welcome to Nicaragua and sweet dirty baby hair.
Also, some exciting news, the medical mission team of 27 people will be here tonight and THIS thursday I am going to be flying home. I am very excited to visit with friends and family but I am going to miss my babies tremendously.
Addition: Just another adventure in Leon, Nicaragua. I wrote this on Monday but am just now posting it because our new internet got fried in a bad storm. I am in the Miami airport. Half way home. Saying goodbye was very sad this morning. I will miss those sweet ones but I am so blessed to be able to come back to them.
The Medical mission was awesome. They are doing great things and I am very thankful they are working at the school this year. I was blessed just getting to spend time with them. Yesterday I helped the dentists because I could not stand seeing all the scared children. It was rough. I also got to pull a tooth. That was interesting. The campaign has also been going great. We have had a large turn out every night. I am sad I had to leave in the middle of their trip but I can't wait to be home for a little while!
God is so very good.
I made a video of some of my favorite pictures of the children. If you have not gotten to see it yet, click on the link and watch it. It is not a beautifully made video but those sweet faces sure can make nothing into a masterpiece.
If you are not already sponsoring one of our children at Nicaragua Christian School and are interested, please email me at
We would love for you to be a part of what God is doing in Leon, Nicaragua. We still have quite a few children who have not received a sponsored this year. You will not only be changing their lives but getting to know them through pictures, letters, and updates can also change yours.
Look at the nations and watch—
and be utterly amazed.
For I am going to do something in your days
that you would not believe,
even if you were told.
Habakkuk 1:5