Friday, August 23, 2013

Summer 2013


It has been too long. I should be ashamed of myself for writing such a post as my last one and then waiting nearly two months to write another-- But good news.. things are getting better.

We had a very busy summer between our 4 interns and then having guests and/or groups here the entire months of June and July. I think all together Ryan and I had about 4 days alone this summer. It was a crazy, eventful, and blessed summer indeed. There was good and there was bad of course, but having friends, family, and group visits to look forward to helped a lot.

We have had quite a few faith shaking things happen this summer that have really taught us to turn to God and each other more. We are so very thankful for the special people in our lives who always encourage us and support us in so many ways.

I am going to post a few pictures from our summer with groups, guests, and interns. Thanks always for keeping up with us.

Ryan getting some baby practice in with Fernando

Two awesome people down here that we are blessed to work with, Sergio and Daysi!

Me and some special ladies at the ladies conference at Primero de Mayo.

One of our interns, Nathan C, getting down with a sweet lady at the Nursing home.

Jen Sav speaking at the ladies conference they put on during their week down here. 

David, a guy with the Georgia team in El Ojoche.

Our friends, Craig and Abbi came to visit! 

Our interns for the summer. 
Nathan C, Erin, Nathan F, and Kristi!

two of my dearest friends came in July, Rachel and Ginny!

and the last team of the summer, fhu girls basketball came and did a camp in Xiloa! 
This was a surprise I was blessed with the first week of August. I will post another blog giving all the details about this wonderful short trip to Florida! 
And last but not least, my wonderful friend Kenzie came to visit us this month. Poor thing got a little gypped on all the fun stuff because Ryan had just gotten over bronchitis and I am starting to be a little more uncomfortable in the heat.. but she was a trooper and I loved getting to spend the week with her! 

I hope to post two more blogs this weekend about my trip to Florida and about Sadie Ellen but I first wanted to do this short little update on our summer. 

I will be using this next week to try and make up for my lack of blogging this summer. 
Dios te bendiga

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