Thursday, November 10, 2011

Quick note

What a blessing this trip home has been...
God is so good to me and I am thankful for all the wonderful things happening around me.
The Golf tournament was a great success. We raised a great sum of money for the start of our multi-purpose building at the school. I am looking forward to having this golf tournament annually and watching the doors that it will open for the people of Nicaragua Christian School.
Elections in Nicaragua are over and I am ready to get back to see the children. I will be going back for Graduation which is the week of Thanksgiving and then the kids will be off for their "Summer break" so I will be able to spend Christmas with my family and my Fiancé. Yes, you read that right :)
A better updated blog will be posted in the next week or two.

For now, Please go to and check out some of the new videos!

Thank you for all the prayers and encouragement. I am a blessed beyond measure.

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