Saturday, April 16, 2011

Just some thoughts from a happy girl in Central America..

I hope that you have the opportunity to go on a mission trip one day. Some specific reasons I wish everyone could visit Leon, Nicaragua at least once…

-To check out my fast Internet that I finally have at my house (THANK YOU Mr. John and Chris!)

-To experience talking with a translator.

- To have the frustration of someone saying “ManaƱa(tomorrow)”. Everyday. 

- To experience attempting to talk in another language and the other parties response being laughter. 

-To be here long enough that you rejoice when you see the red arches (McDonalds).

- To hold a child who might not trust you at first because no one has ever just wanted to hug them before. 

- To see what beautiful things God is doing all over the world.

- To smile at a beautiful widow with no teeth. Not only will she reach out to touch you but also she will talk to you, a lot. Even after you try to tell her (with your broken Spanish) that you do not understand what she is saying.

- To view the scenery. There is nothing like it.

- To watch what God is doing at Nicaragua Christian School.

- To see students hard at work. Students that would not have this opportunity without Faith-filled people from America willing to let God use what He has given them to help others receive an eduation and learn about him. 

-To see the construction, and with that construction know and understand that it comes with strong faith and contribution from many who desire to help. Everyday there is work being done to make a place of hope for those who have none. 

- To be reminded of how blessed you are. I am thankful to be reminded of this every single day here. 

- To ride in the bed of a truck to get place to place.

- To go to town at night and feel like you are in a musical, always loud music, dancing, and food everywhere. IT SMELLS SO GOOD!!! 

-To receive the pleasure of working with over 200 of God’s most beautiful young creations, each and every one different and unique in their own way. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to get to know their hearts. 

-To sit in on a worship service in another language. America is not the only place on earth and it really brings to life the fact that God created THE WHOLE world in his likeness. It is amazing to think that not only is Sunday the day of worship in America but many miles away people are also worshipping in Nicaragua, in Russia, in Africa, etc. Some of these people are even risking their lives to be at church every Sunday, or having to walk 5 miles to get there--In America we worry about missing an extra hour of sleep or worship going 5 minutes too long.

- To listen to children sing church songs and light up during a bible story. Children who come from broken homes, from children who may get beaten by their father or sexually abused, or children whose parents may use all the money for alcohol and forget to give their child dinner. They do have one Father that always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. 

♥ Just a few reasons...


  1. You are a real person. There is so much about you that brings me joy. Thank you for loving God and those babies! Mom

  2. I am so proud of you and I love you soooo much!!!

  3. That is what loving, serving, and teaching are ALL about. How proud I am that you are finding that clarity at such a young age! Carry on, beautiful!

  4. Keep posting those insights from your God shaped heart...the world, especially the church in America really need to hear them.
    We are praying for you continually...

    Grace & peace,
    Mark & Tammy
